3 Reasons to Use the StoryBrand Framework to Organize Your Marketing


For most of us, it’s easy to admit that our marketing could be better. In fact, you might suspect that you’re wasting a lot of money on your current marketing.

The problem is that most of us don’t have a plan to fix it.

In late 2017 I read a book called Building a StoryBrand by Donald Miller, and everything just clicked. I had a plan!

Using the simple framework in the book I was able to clarify my company’s message and have seen great results. Since then I’ve also attended a StoryBrand live workshop and become a StoryBrand Certified Guide to help other people organize and clarify their marketing.

Here’s are 3 reasons I recommend using the StoryBrand framework to fix your marketing:


1. Stop confusing customers

One of the phrases that the author repeats is “If you confuse, you’ll lose.” He makes the argument that in today’s crowded marketplace and short attention spans, you have to be understood quickly for someone to buy your product.

It’s true! I see it all too often: websites with insider language or vague inspirational statements that don’t tell customers in plain english what their company can do for them.

The book lays out a clear plan to help you write and speak more clearly about your company so that people will listen.


2. Align your team

When your whole team is using the same clear and simple language to describe what you do and how it serves your customers, they turn into a sales force.

Instead of replying, “It’s complicated…” when someone asks them what they do, they can give a short one-sentence explanation that is compelling and actually makes people want to do business with your company.


3. Maximize marketing dollars

Think about it – If you had all the money in the world to buy up billboards around the country, but the message you used was confusing, it would be a waste.

Maybe the billboard reads: “Your business is our business.”

Unfortunately, that doesn’t help anyone understand what you do or how it makes their lives better. As basic as it is, you would have been better off saying something like, “We build websites.”

When you have a clear message, the return on every dollar that you spend spreading that message is multiplied.

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