Don't Create a Lead Magnet – Create an SEO Magnet


At our sister company, StorySite, a Storybrand Website Template Shop, we've seen great success with this technique, and we’re excited to share it with you.

In this post, we’ll explore how to create an SEO magnet that drives traffic and generates leads. Let’s dive in!

What’s a Lead Magnet?

A lead magnet is a free download (often a PDF) that you can offer your website visitors in exchange for their email address.

You’ve seen them around: “7 Day Meal Plan for Families with Picky Eaters” or “5 Things Your Website Must Include.”

They’re great!

When done well, they offer value to your customer and give you the opportunity to advertise your product or service.

What’s an SEO Magnet?

Ok, I have to admit it.

“SEO magnet” is a term I made up.

An SEO magnet is a lead magnet plus a page on your website that is designed to be easily found through Google.

When you create this search-engine-optimized landing page along with your lead magnet, magic can happen!

A healthy salad on a desk

Example 1: The Meal Planner

Let’s say you have a business where you sell meal plans to busy families who want to eat healthily but have picky eaters.

Imagine a potential customer searches for “meal plans for picky kids” and Google serves up a page on your website called “7 Day Meal Plan for Families with Picky Eaters”.

You have a chance to rank for this search term because you created an entire page on your website just for this topic.

Once that potential customer clicks on the result and gets to your page, there’s the free PDF waiting for them. They enter their email, click to download, and voila, they’re on your email list!

Now you can follow up with an automated email sequence or put them into your monthly newsletter and tell them about your paid products and services.

StorySite's Homepage banner introducing our Storybrand-ready website templates

Example 2: Website Template Store

This one is a real example of how we used the SEO magnet method to attract a lot of traffic to our business StorySite and get a lot of signups too!

Our business StorySite sells website templates that work with a marketing framework called StoryBrand. The people who are using the StoryBrand marketing framework often search for the term “StoryBrand wireframe” because they want to see how to organize their website using StoryBrand principles.

This search is one of the first steps in creating a StoryBrand website, so it is the perfect opportunity for us show up in their search and provide a free resource in exchange for their email!

Now, when a potential customer searches for “StoryBrand wireframe,” they find our SEO landing page, which encourages them to download our free wireframe tool (our lead magnet).

The Friday Habit Podcast's lead generator

Why create an SEO magnet?

Great question! Here are three compelling reasons:

1. You’ll increase your website traffic

Instead of hoping that the people who are already visiting your site will sign up for your lead magnet, you’ll be actively attracting new visitors to your site with your lead magnet.

2. Increase your conversion rate

The people who find your lead magnet are searching for the exact content that you’re providing for free. This gives you a higher conversion rate than a typical lead magnet.

3. Get better quality leads

By choosing the right problem to solve with your SEO magnet, you can attract the exact audience that’s at the right stage in the decision-making process to buy from you.

What are you waiting for?

Start creating your own SEO magnet today and watch your traffic and leads grow!

Looking for more guidance? Here are a few tips from another post we wrote on how to create the perfect lead magnet.

Benjamin ManleyComment